After going viral on the Internet, "UPR's Girls Homo Family", I realized that a lot of readers have something to say about it. First of all, this is not a response to the comments of all my readers. That's just not my type. Because I believe that there's something called "Freedom of Speech", under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and the Constitucion of ELA (Puerto Rico), under the Article II, Sec. 4, I decided to create this post to create a free space to express yourself. I already had a lot of feedback about grammar, and I'm kinda over the whole thing, so I want you to make emphasis about the context. 


9/24/2013 01:43:39 am

I found you're piece really funny, I liked it a lot, and I agree with you. The different people that are in the faculties is one of the thongs that represents this Institution.

9/24/2013 02:07:05 pm

Thanks for giving me feedback.

9/24/2013 02:27:27 am

You are totally right about the freedom of speech... I liked your post overall, but I though in some categories it was not accurate at all like the naturales women. This to the side, I will not make a big deal out of it... if that is what you have seen/think. Check the grammar, overall the content is good.

9/24/2013 02:07:40 pm

Thank you for your feedback. :)

Selena Marie
9/24/2013 08:17:50 am

As always I enjoy your writings.
I really liked that your grouped the faculties into 3 bigger groups. I think that was really creative, to look at the common factor of the faculties and exploit that to make it an easier to understand post.
Honestly I agree, for the most part those are the 3 groups of girls I see around campus and like you said of course there are exceptions, a lot of them actually but the point is that they exist.
Well writing, nice content and a creative way of presenting it. I always think you have the perfect choice of pictures to accompany your writings.

9/24/2013 02:09:00 pm

Thanks for giving me feedback. I really appreciate it. It takes me a lot to make me sure which picture is the one who express what I want. Thanks!

10/5/2013 05:15:36 am

You know I'm already a fan for going viral. But I just heard the news, I never read your post before the entire thing was already out of control. In terms of context I was very disappointed because I was waiting for something huge and meaner because of the comments and the attention that the post received.

Although I have to admit that I found it kind of harsh which it is nice in a way, why not? and I love that you keep it short that it is something I'm trying to work on.

Oh and one more thing, it was fun.. so bravo for that I was literally laughing with my mouth still open the entire time while reading it :)

2/24/2016 12:48:07 pm

Thank you, Tito. This blog was for an english class, so I'm sorry for the very late reply.

Again, thank you for your support and feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


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